
Preparing your lawn for the spring will take some cleanup on your part. With the snow melting, you may notice that there is a lot of debris throughout your yard. There can be garbage which has blown into your yard, dead leaves, broken branches, and sticks which all need to be disposed of. Follow these tips to ensure your lush is a lush green in the spring.

Getting The Lawn in Order

After your yard is debris free, you will need to loosen up any possible thatch which has built up. Thatch is a layer of undigested roots, leaves, and organic plant material that settles between the turfgrass and the soil surface. It forms because your turf is creating organic matter and the microorganisms can’t break it down quickly enough.

After removing the debris and the thatch, you’ll need to check the soil’s pH levels. The pH level should be between 6 – 7.2. If your pH level is too low its ideal that you lime your lawn. you can use your own spreader or have us take the worry off your hands. Read the directions to make sure you don’t add too much or too little. After the adjustments, then water the lawn and retest your pH levels after 30 days.

Aerating your lawn is an also important step to keep your soil loose so the roots of the grass can absorb needed nutrients and water. Although aeration can be done in the spring it is ideal that on cool season grasses you wait until the fall.

Fertilizing, Weed Control, and Crabgrass

Part of the preparing the lawn for spring is weeding and feeding. The best time to control weeds is when they are young and actively growing. some people might think this is early spring. Ideally late spring is the best time to control most broadleaf weeds. spot=spraying broadleaves in the early spring and then applying slow-release crabgrass fertilizer is really what you’re looking for.

Crabgrass control is a very important step in early and late spring. Crabgrass is a grassy annual weed that competes with ideal turf grass’s. There are two ways to control crabgrass the best approach is to take care of it before it germinates. In this process its ideal to apply a crabgrass fertilizer mix in the spring that will keep unwanted seeds from germinating and taking over your lawn.


Your mower is an important part of keep turf thick and healthy. It’s important to keep the blades of your mower sharp so grass blades aren’t injured when cutting. Also, when cutting your grass, don’t scalp your grass, don’t cut off more than a third of the blade of grass off. New seedlings will be able to receive all necessary nutrients while not being over or underexposed. So, when you mow cool-season grass types, they should be kept between 2-4 inches tall.

Having a beautiful lawn can be difficult. Don’t let it be following these simple steps will help you achieve the lawn you’ve always wanted. If having a green thumb isn’t something you’re into call us and let us handle the hard work!


Joseph Ritz, General Manager of Lawn Specialties
Joseph Ritz, the General Manager of Lawn Specialties in Hazleton, PA, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the company. Born and raised in Hazleton, Joseph has a deep connection to the community and a strong commitment to enhancing the local landscape.
As the son-in-law of the owner, Joseph has been deeply involved in the family business, ensuring that it continues to thrive and evolve. With a decade of experience in lawn care, he holds certifications and licenses in Lawn and Turf Care, Tree and Ornamentals, and Spotted Lanternfly Management.
Joseph's dedication to his craft is evident in his commitment to staying current with modern practices and continually seeking innovative solutions to improve services. His leadership and vision have made Lawn Specialties a trusted name in the industry, known for exceptional quality and customer satisfaction.
