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Spotted Lanternfly Control

Spotted Lanternfly Treatment & Removal in Hazleton, PA

Spotted lanternfly infestations are on the rise in Pennsylvania, and this, unfortunately, spells trouble for trees and plant life in our community. These brightly colored insects feed on the sap from a wide variety of plants and leave behind a sticky residue called honeydew that attracts other insects and promotes the growth of mold. As a result, the health and beauty of your landscape can be severely impacted.

Fortunately, Lawn Specialties is here to help. With over 35 years of experience, we provide comprehensive spotted lanternfly control services to protect your residential or commercial property in Hazleton, PA, from these pesky insects. Don’t live in Hazleton? No worries! We also offer our SLF lawn treatments in the following locations:

  • Lehigh County, PA
  • Stroudsburg, PA
  • Mount Pocono, PA
  • Easton, PA
  • Bergen County, NJ
  • Hackensack, NJ
  • Norwood, NJ
  • Old Tappan, NJ
  • Tenafly, NJ

Contact our experts today to rid your property of annoying and damaging spotted lanternflies!

What Is a Spotted Lanternfly?

The spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is an invasive species originally from Southeast Asia. First detected in Pennsylvania in 2014, it has since spread rapidly across the state. SLF is known for its distinctive appearance, with brown, spotted forewings and vibrant red hindwings with black spots. The insect goes through several stages in its life cycle, from eggs to nymphs to adults. Spotted lanternfly adults are particularly noticeable from late summer to early fall when they become more active.

What Trees & Plant Species Do Spotted Lanternflies Affect?

Spotted lanternflies are not picky eaters and can affect a wide range of plant species. However, they have a particular fondness for the following:

  • Tree of Heaven: This is the preferred host tree for an SLF.
  • Ornamental Trees: Including maples, oaks, walnuts, and willows.
  • Fruit Trees: Such as apple, plum, and cherry trees.
  • Vines: Especially grapevines, which are significantly impacted by adult spotted lanternflies.
  • Plant Stems and Leaves: They feed on the sap of various plants, weakening them over time.

How to Know It’s Time for Spotted Lanternfly Control Services in Hazleton, PA

The best way to protect your property from the effects of spotted lanternfly activity is to act as soon as you have any suspicions this insect is draining your tree’s life. Make sure you reach out to our insect control company for targeted treatments if you notice any of the following:

  • Spotted Lanternflies Hopping or Flying Around Your Property: These insects may be flashy, but they are no friend of yours. If you see one anywhere on your property, call our spotted lanternfly experts right away.
  • A Sticky Mess on Your Plants: The honeydew spotted lanternflies excrete will leave a sticky film on plant leaves and stems.
  • Sooty Mold on Trees & Plants: This black mold grows on the honeydew excreted by SLFs and can cover plant leaves and branches, inhibiting photosynthesis.
  • Wilting or Dying Plants: The weakened state caused by spotted lanternfly feeding can lead to plant death.
  • Presence of Spotted Lanternfly Egg Masses: These eggs look like brown mud patches on tree trunks, branches, and even outdoor furniture.
  • Increased Activity From Other Insects: Honeydew attracts ants and wasps, which can indicate an SLF problem.

The Dangers of DIY Pesticides for Controlling Spotted Lanternflies

While it might be tempting to tackle spotted lanternfly infestations with over-the-counter pesticides, this approach can do more harm than good. Improper application of chemical treatments can affect beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies, disrupt local ecosystems, and pose risks to fish, birds, pets, and people. It’s also important to note that using the wrong pesticides or methods can lead to ineffective control and further spread of the infestation.

Instead of trying a DIY solution that could damage your property further, turn to the experts at Lawn Specialties for effective control methods that eliminate spotted lanternfly eggs, nymphs, and adults. Our team is trained to apply treatments that target lanternflies while minimizing harm to beneficial insects and the environment.

All-Natural Spotted Lanternfly Treatment & Prevention Solutions in Hazleton, PA

For those who prefer an eco-friendly approach, we offer all-natural spotted lanternfly treatment options. These solutions focus on disrupting the spotted lanternfly’s life cycle without the use of harsh chemicals. Our techniques include:

  • Mechanical Removal: Removing SLF egg masses from infested trees in the winter and spring.
  • Biological Control: Application of natural insecticides derived from plant-based ingredients to control nymphs and SLF adults.
  • Cultural Practices: Educating homeowners on practices that reduce spotted lanternfly populations, such as proper fertilization and plant care.

In addition to our spotted lanternfly control services, we offer personalized fertilization and plant health care programs to keep your landscape formidable against SLF egg masses, nymphs, and adults. Simply reach out to our specialists today, and we’ll help you come up with a targeted lawn care plan.

We Also Offer Spotted Lanternfly Management Services for Businesses in Hazleton

Spotted lanternflies don’t just affect residential properties; they can also be a significant problem for businesses, particularly those in agriculture, landscaping, and tourism. Lawn Specialties provides comprehensive spotted lanternfly management services for commercial properties, helping to protect your business from the economic impact of SLF infestations. Our services include regular monitoring, treatment, and ongoing prevention strategies to keep your property pest-free.

Let Us Help You Control SLF Activity on Your Property

Don’t let spotted lanternflies take over your beautiful landscape. As one of the largest family-owned and operated lawn and tree care companies in Pennsylvania, we know how to protect and enhance your property with our personalized services and environmentally friendly products. Contact us today to learn more about our spotted lanternfly control services and how we can help you manage SLF activity effectively and safely on your Hazleton, PA, property.