Specialized Services

Keep unsightly weeds from taking over your lawn or property with our Weed and Vegetation service. This service eliminates undesirable weeds and vegetation in stone sidewalks, patios, pavers, driveways and parking areas. One treatment will eliminate all existing weeds and vegetation and prevent their return for the remainder of the season.

This service eliminates undesirable weeds and vegetation in mulch beds, gravel, or planting areas. One treatment will prevent future weed germination. A second application might be needed.

Keep your lawn healthy and protected with our season long grub control. Grubs are the larval, or immature, stage of several species of beetles and chafers, and can cause serious damage on your lawn without the proper preventative care. Applying a preventative grub control product in the spring or early summer will provide a safer better control than waiting until after the damage has occurred.

Adding lime to soil keeps the correct pH range for grasses to thrive. When lawns are weedy, patchy in spots or turn yellow, it may be a sign that the pH balance of your yard is out of whack. Certain soils and conditions cause soil to become too acidic. One of the primary methods of correcting the problem is to add lime to your lawn to restore depleted macro and micronutrients and balance the soils pH.

Dethatching is a lawn renovation process necessary due to excessive thatch build-up. Thatch is a loose, intermingled organic layer of dead and living stems, shoots and roots that develops between the zone of green vegetation and the soil surface. When thatch exceeds 3/4", it becomes difficult for water, air and nutrients to penetrate the matting of dead grass plants. The excessive thatch layer creates an environment ideal for disease and insects to breed and live, which ultimately causes the decline of your lawn

Lawn Diseases can ruin a beautiful lawn. There are some steps one can take to avoid damage from happening. Select the appropriate lawn grass to avoid lawn diseases. Having the right grass for your climate, anticipated use and maintenance level is important. Practice good watering techniques, mow your lawn properly, and make sure your lawn gets plenty of air. If these don’t work we got you covered! Our fungicides work by immediately attacking the disease to minimize damage keeping your lawn lush and beautiful.

Expert Tip From Joseph
The best time to dethatch your lawn is early Spring or Fall when it's actively growing and the soil is moderately moist. When thatch exceeds 3/4", it becomes difficult for water, air and nutrients to penetrate the matting of dead grass plants.